Sunday, March 28, 2010

In the Pink?

So I decided I needed to buy a kickboard to use in my swim workouts. Target had them on sale for $4.36...great deal! Downside? They had two Dora the Explorer or pink Hello Kitty. I opted for Hello Kitty. Perhaps I will be mistaken for someone trendy and very cool. Either that or I will be the subject of much pointing and laughing. BUT, I will have a great kick workout!

This past week was kind of a bust as far as my workouts were concerned. I came down with a killer cough that had me hacking up a lung with any physical exertion. I didn't even try to swim for fear of choking mid lap. I'm sure it would have been entertaining to watch, but the discomfort and potential need for lifeguard intervention kept me from attempting it.

I'm hoping the time away from my runs hasn't affected my distance much. I'm excited about my progress, and am looking to add an additional half mile to my distance this week. We'll see how that goes!

On a more serious and reflective note, heading into this week, I'm reminded of the beauty of the coming holiday...Easter. The celebration of the gift of Life that Christ gave us through his sacrifice. It's a time of redemption...of new beginnings. What a beautiful thing to be reminded of as we enjoy the emergence of Spring.

Life is a beautiful gift. May we all look forward with gratitude for the past and hope for the future.

Love to all!

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