Thursday, December 13, 2007

Let It Snow!

As is my lot in life these days, I'm not at home this week. Right now I'm cooling my heels at the Courtyard Marriott in Lincoln, RI watching the snow from my window. When I say snow, I mean SNOW. People here in New England give me a hard time when I complain about the winter. I can't seem to find a way to make them believe that winter (and snow, for that matter) are very different in Denver. All I can really say is that I much prefer a snowy day at home in Denver to a snowy day in New England.

Perhaps there is an element of bias in the word "home", but I'll hold fast to my conviction. Denver is the place for me. Traveling as much as I do, I'm much more keenly aware of just how much I love being home. Friends and family, blue skies and mountains, warm sun and wildflowers...and snow. Yup. I'm a Rocky Mountain Girl.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

My Very First Blog...

Although I am slightly less competitive, I have been inspired by the blogging efforts of my step sisters (Amie and Kori) and decided to give it a go myself. What better to do with the insomniatic wee hours of the morning?

My URL was actually inspired by a late night conversation with a good friend. He has an uncanny way of pushing past the trivial and shallow things that clutter my mind and dragging me straight to the deep end before I even know what is happening. I should really spend more time out there in the deep end. I think that's where my true self hides. Maybe blogging will be a way for me to swim out there more often.

Sadly, due to the late hour and the lack of brain power, I don't have much else to say at the moment. Don't worry. Give me time. I'll get it going!

For now, be satisfied with the fact that there is more to come, and I have actually successfully figured out how to create my own blog. Ain't technology great?!?