Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I'm such a slacker!

I'm guessing that a single blog posting every 6 months does not actually COUNT as an official blog. Apparently I'm not any better at blogging than I am at keeping in touch with people. Sheesh.

Anyway, lots of news on my end. Biggest news...I'm moving back to Rhode Island. The time I spent working on this IT Project for Amica made me realize that I really enjoy IT and specifically Projects. As luck would have it, the IT department has agreed to bring me in as a Project Manager! Big changes for me, including a promotion and a relocation. I never thought I'd be able to leave Colorado, but I'm truly excited about the opportunity!

I love the people I work with in RI, and I truly love the job, so career wise it's a wonderful thing for me.

I also have some great friends in RI, so the pain of leaving my friends and family in CO is a little less sharp.

One of the biggest advantages to this move is the fact that it will be my last with Amica. I'm in RI for the long haul, which means I can finally put down some roots and feel like I'm settled.

I can't begin to express how sad I am to be leaving so many people that I love here in CO, and I think I'm in a bit of denial about how well we'll stay in contact. As noted previously, I'm horrible at maintaining communication, and I can't expect others to put in effort where I do not. I have fantasies of everyone coming out to visit, and I truly hope they do, but I'm aware of the reality that most will not. I don't know how to reconcile that reality in my head right now. I think I would be too sad to consciously accept it, so for now I'll live with the fantasy.

The cliches of change definitely apply...new chapter, adventure, blah, blah...and I feel all the positive elements of this move buoying me up on a daily basis. I'm a little worried for the day when the sad stuff takes over. I love Colorado. There are so many things I'm going to miss. So many people I'm going to ache for.

It seems silly, really. My challenge is that I have too many people and things that I love...everyone should be so challenged.

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